Non-woven bags are made from polypropylene or polyester, they are not biodegradable. Many...
Bharat Compostables is One of the Leading Manufacturers of 100% Compostable Products
We are dedicated to provide sustainable and environment-friendly alternatives to Harmful Plastic Products.
We Manufacture 100% compostable products made from Bioplastics Using Vegetable and corn Starch which are a Perfect alternative to Harmful Plastic Packaging. They provide the same Strength, Functionality and Performance but do not cause any Harm to our Mother Earth.

A Guarantee For Authenticity

Our Products come from the Nature & Go back to the Nature within 80-180 days

When Thrown doesn’t harm the environment but acts as a fertilizer to give life to the plants
Let's End the Plastic Flood!

On the other hand, Compostable Bioplastics are a perfect Sustainable Alternative, providing the same Convenience, Strength, and Quality. Usually derived from Renewable Materials like Corn, Potato, Tapioca Starches, Cellulose, Soy Protein, and Lactic Acid or other Biodegradable material. They are Non-toxic and Decompose back into Carbon Dioxide, Water, and Biomass when Composted (Within 60 to 180 Days).

With every Order you place you are giving life to a new Plant!
For every order placed, we pledge to plant a tree. By supporting our business, you’re investing not only in high-quality products but also in our planet’s future.
Imagine a world where every purchase made a positive impact on the environment. With our commitment to sustainability, we can work together to make that a reality. So go ahead, and indulge in our products guilt-free, knowing that you’re making a difference with every purchase.
Join us on our mission to create a more sustainable future. Shop with us today and be a part of the change.
Corporates who Trust Us!
We fulfil Our Customer’s Needs by neither Compromising on Nature nor on the Natural Premiumness of the product.


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Bioplastics are a type of plastic made from renewable resources such as...
- Bharat Compostables
What is Compostable Bioplastic? Is it also Plastic?
Compostable bioplastics are eco-friendly & help to reduce the dependency on fossil-based regular plastic which takes 1000+ years to degrade. Usually derived from renewable materials like corn, potato, tapioca starches, cellulose, soy protein, and lactic acid or other biodegradable material these Compostable bioplastics degrade into compost and are food for plants within 60 to 180 days; once composted.
Is Bioplastic Better than paper, Cloth or any other alternative?
Yes! Compostable Bioplastics not only provide the best strength, quality, and convenience, but they are also environment-friendly as they become one with the nature once they are composted. On the other hand, Paper packaging leads to a huge amount of deforestation, cloth bags require a huge amount of energy to be manufactured, and also contribute to ozone layer depletion in turn harming our mother earth. The other alternatives which have come up such as oxo-degradable or Non-woven bags often mistaken as cloth bags are all just a hidden form of plastic as they all degrade into microplastics.
Compostable Bioplastics are not just best for you and the environment they are a much more economic alternative as well!
Protocols by Indian Government & Certifications Required
As per the recent Gazette by the Ministry of Environment in Plastic Waste Management Rule 2016, Compostable bio-plastic manufacturer needs to follow the below protocol.
Compostable bio-plastic has to be as per Indian Standard IS/ISO 17088 (certified).
The manufacturer should be approved by CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board) to manufacture compostable bio-plastic.
Compostable bioplastic should have the name of the manufacturer Rules 2016.
Are all Compostable Bioplastic Products Edible?
Compostable Bioplastics are biodegradable, carbon-neutral and edible. Therefore it is safe for the animals even if they consume it by mistaking it as food.
Which are the single-use plastic products banned?
On July 1, 2022, the Indian government's ban on selected single-use plastics came into effect.
The list of banned items includes -ear buds with plastic sticks, plastic sticks for balloons, plastic flags, candy sticks, ice- cream sticks, polystyrene (Thermocol) for decoration, plastic plates, cups, glasses, cutlery such as forks, spoons, knives, straw, trays, wrapping or packing films around sweet boxes, invitation cards, cigarette packets, plastic or PVC banners less than 100 micron, stirrers.
Where all are Compostable Bioplastics used presently and what is its future scope?
Today, Compostable bioplastics are mainly being used in packaging, e-commerce, waste management, food takeaway, household appliances, automotive, textiles & agriculture.
Continuous research and development has been going on to increase the shelf life of Compostable Bioplastic products which in future will enable it to replace the plastic from the whole packaging segment.
Are Bharat Compostable Products 100% Compostable?
Yes, Bharat Compostable Products are 100% Home Compostable. Our products after composting Goes back to the Nature Converts into H2O, CO2 and Biomass and Composts within 60- 180 days. It acts as a Fertilizer to give Life to the Plants.
Have Plastics Entered Human Beings as well?
Now more and more studies are finding that microplastics, defined as plastic pieces less than 5 millimeters across, are also in our bodies. In recent years, microplastics have been documented in all parts of the human lung, in maternal and fetal placental tissues, in human breast milk and in human blood. The findings aren’t entirely surprising; plastics are all around us, they are in our clothes, cosmetics, electronics, tires, packaging and so many more items of daily use. Replacing only the packaging segment with Compostable Bioplastic will reduce a significant amount of plastic generated.
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